Some have said:


“I have had the pleasure of working with Dave across several projects and marvel at how much he brings to every assignment. Dave combines an artist’s eye, a marketer’s mindset and design thinking to produce solutions that deliver above expectations.

What I value most is that while Dave clearly does his research- he is also a keen listener. The result is he often understands the product as well (and sometimes better) than the owners. I look forward to our next project with Dave - his involvement consistently brings a fresh perspective and increases the probability of successful outcomes.”

– James Andrade, Senior Vice President, CapitaLand, 2021

As a pro bono business mentor with talenTtrust, Dave willingly gave his time and expertise over a year to a local children's charity to help them define their brand and develop a strategic plan.

Dave selflessly invested his energy in building strong, trusting relationships with the charity's Executive Director and board of directors. Always genuine, Dave's calm, reassuring manner helped to create a safe space for the charity leaders to explore and debate opposing opinions for the first time.

Dave's facilitation skills are bar none. He was able to bring together strongly held disparate views with ease to help create a shared understanding amongst the board. This ultimately resulted in a refreshed vision, mission, and values document that guides the charity and has enabled the Executive Director to make more effective decisions around purpose, programming and partnerships.

– Lisa Gainer, CEO, TalentTrust, 2021

“It was a privilege and great experience to work with Dave as the Head of Design at Geometry Global. His can-do attitude and hands-on approach to work served as a role model to the team and myself. He was always able to handle stressful deadlines and immense workloads with calmness and ease.

It is always assuring to work with such a professional as his works are always brilliant, creative and fresh. Always the humorous, positive-minded, a reliable and broad-minded leader, Dave was great with both the team and also with client-facing duties. He was always able to figure out what the clients really needed and this helped us build customer trust and understanding over time. Without doubt, i’d definitely work with him again anytime!”

— Sandra Goh, Designer, Geometry Global, 2016

“Dave’s input had been spot on to bring thinking through to design. Overall Creative score improved by 15%”

— R3 Singtel/BBH Agency CAPE Review, 1H FY19/20

“Working with Dave in Japan was one of the precious experiences for me and my Japanese clients. He made us realize that we don’t need to understand or speak languages when we face great design works and wonderful presentations.

Dave’s works were amazing!!! Japan misses him and hope to see his work in here again in the near future.”

— Ayako Fuse, Strategy Director, Brand Union Japan, 2010

“We partnered with Dave to help define our internal and external market position to stakeholders. Stakeholders included employees, StumbleUpon community members, and investors.

He embedded himself in the company to understand the genesis of the product, where we were going, and more importantly to get the culture.

Dave emphasizes the importance of telling a "brand story" and connecting to every stakeholder in an authentic way. This translated into an end product that was simple, concise, and aligned with where we were going as a company and a brand. Marketing positioning and storytelling is a loaded subject, and Dave won the hearts and minds of our team. I'd work with him again anytime”

— Mark Bartels, CFO, StumbleUpon Inc., USA, 2014

“Dave worked for StumbleUpon as a brand strategy consultant during my stint as Executive Director of Brand Experience there … Without a doubt, his well-managed project represented the highlight of that period. It is always a pleasure to work with intelligent, thoughtful, sensible professionals that see beyond the short-term tactics that internal teams usually drown on, and instead, shed light on the long view of a company’s success.

His strategic mind was crucial to help us build customer trust over time, and craft value messages with a shelf life longer than just the next quarter. Dave helped us build a company mission, a soul, a rallying cry for internal teams in need of purpose... and a magnetic beacon for our users.

He was elegant in his approach to corporate culture, he was well-versed and convincing with his researched opinions. His presentations became vehicles for morale and self-discovery. Dave is one of those rare people that at my advanced age I still look up to, and know I have to learn from.”

— David Gómez-Rosado, Executive Director Brand Experience, StumbleUpon Inc., USA, 2014

“Dave was able to put together the story and the visual identity of our brand when others were still trying to figure out what we do... His ability to get to the core was THE key success factor in our rebranding .”

— Max Armbruster, CEO Edgilis Consulting, Singapore, 2010

“Dave absolutely understood how to answer strategic imperatives through his design solutions and was always 'full-bottle' on the latest in branding.”

— Simon Bell, CSO, Brand Union Singapore, 2010